Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think we may have hit it big (twss)

(if you lack time or interest, skip to the bottom of this)

Doctor Shane

"Tracked you down with this. This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces. Whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."

Organic farmer Shane

"Every other thing he ripped out, he let us taste some."

Shane, the final frontier

Mercury spewed mysterious dark blue material

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Red card Shane

"When you go a man down, you're stretched in every direction."

"They're one man down, but right now it looks like they're 15 on 6."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pong playing Shane

"How do we wipe this?"

More Blackberry Shane

"Stop vibrating I'm trying to play."

Blackberry Shane

"This thing is always going off"

Division of labor Shane

"I haven't said no to anything in the past three weeks."

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Game playing Shane

"I'm always second but never first"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tub-packing Shane

"Why is it so hard to fit everything in here?"

Josh Gonzales Shane

"One thing that they just keeping pounding in..."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Darth Shane

"Many of the objects of this up-blowing are clones..."


Friday, October 3, 2008

Shane gets the band back together

"Do you still play?"
"I haven't touched it in years."